European Parliament resolution on the situation as regards fundamental rights in the European Union (2002) (2002/2013(INI))

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
32. Calls on the Member States and the EU to promote interfaith dialogue insofar as it condemns all forms of fanaticism and fundamentalism and to guarantee the principle of secularism, which does not rule out the teaching of religion in school; considers that such a dialogue and such teaching ought to devote proportionate attention to non-religious world views;
33. Calls, while approving the progress made in Greece with regard to respect for freedom of religion and belief, for the criminal law provisions on proselytism to be repealed and for Muslims to be able to obtain authorisation to build mosques and have cemeteries where they can bury their dead in accordance with their religious traditions;
34. Recommends once again that Finland and Greece amend their legislation on the duration of alternative civilian service with a view to removing any punitive and discriminatory aspects;
35. Warns the Member States once again against the dangers posed by the activities of sects which are a threat to the physical or mental integrity of individuals, and calls on the Member States, by means of their normal criminal and civil law, to combat unlawful practices and abuses on the part of these sects;

(Excerpt is taken from page 65 of the full document that can be found on-line.)